Deferred partial template loading in Angular

September 17, 2024 9:26 PM

Angular Deferred partial template loading

Deferred partial template loading in Angular refers to the practice of loading parts of a component's template only when they are needed, rather than loading the entire template upfront. This can improve performance by reducing the initial load time and memory usage, especially for large and complex components.


  1. Performance Optimization: Reduces the initial load time by loading only the necessary parts of the template.
  2. Memory Efficiency: Minimizes memory usage by not loading unused parts of the template.
  3. Improved User Experience: Enhances the user experience by making the application more responsive.

How to Implement:

  1. ngIf Directive: Use the *ngIf directive to conditionally load parts of the template.
  2. Lazy Loading Modules: Load modules lazily to defer the loading of their templates.
  3. Dynamic Component Loading: Use Angular's ComponentFactoryResolver to load components dynamically.


 Using the *ngIf directive to defer loading a part of the template:

  selector: 'app-example',
  template: `
    <div *ngIf="isSectionVisible">
      <!-- This part of the template will only be loaded if isSectionVisible is true -->
    <button (click)="toggleSection()">Toggle Section</button>

export class ExampleComponent {
  isSectionVisible = false;

  toggleSection() {
    this.isSectionVisible = !this.isSectionVisible;


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